


As we tread through a new technological revolution and on the heels of a global pandemic that forced many to work remotely to keep the world turning, 还有必要和人们面对面见面吗?

正规的网赌平台校长丹尼尔·威尔肯(Danielle Wilken)说.D.,这个问题的答案是响亮的“是的”!’

Colleges and universities are navigating emerging technologies disrupting the classroom and the increasing demand for online learning modalities — all compounded by the impending drop in graduating high school seniors. 在回应, educational leaders and decision-makers are analyzing their strategic plans and considering innovative ways to engage with their current and prospective students. Against the backdrop of a genuinely out-of-the-ordinary higher education landscape — and just three years into an even more unique relationship with Goodwin University — UB leadership is working to foster critical international partnerships.

在最近对印度的访问中, 威尔肯总裁和她的创新副总裁, 策略, 和进步, 埃琳娜·卡希尔, 参观各使领馆, 与大学生会面, 坐下来接受媒体采访, and experienced the breadth and depth of the Indian culture during a five-day trip that took them from Delhi to Agrabad.

这次旅行的目的? 正式?

这两位女士的印度之行行程紧凑,为期5天, 代表海外的正规的网赌平台. They shared with the international community what makes UB an extraordinary place to learn, 成长, 为自己的事业做好准备.

The primary goals of the trip were to ask and answer questions about the student visa interview process, 最近在印度停滞不前, 特别是对于想在夏季学期开始上课的学生. “You see, UB is different in that we have a robust summer semester,” explains Cahill. “The folks in charge of opening and closing the visa interviews for the summer didn’t realize this about UB. We were able to explain to them why the summer semester was so important to our students.”

卡希尔说, UB’s retention rate for 国际学生s in the summer of 2023 was around 96%. 签证面试对于想在UB开始学习的学生来说至关重要. 对许多学生来说,暑假开学是很重要的, and this is especially true for 国际学生s who may need more time to acclimate to the culture and learn to live independently in the United States before their coursework ramps up in the fall.

除了此行的外交目的, Wilken and Cahill’s itinerary involved visiting and connecting with UB’s international partners in India to explore innovative ways to enhance the UB experience for both domestic and 国际学生s.

对卡希尔, 在布里奇波特长大,毕业于UB的人, the international connections the University is strengthening have been a part of the school’s ethos for nearly 100 years. Cahill led a successful career in business ownership and law before returning to the University, first to teach in the School of Business and then eventually to become a member of UB’s cabinet. “我是移民的孩子,也是第一代大学生, 这就是我们,卡希尔说。. “我们一直是一所多元化的国际大学. 我们不只是打勾,说我们是多元化的.”

对于Wilken, whose career in academia first saw her as a 教师 member at Goodwin University, 然后是古德温教务长, 现在是UB的校长, 你不能低估面对面交流的价值. While President Wilken’s personal and professional experiences differ from Cahill’s, the two are in sync regarding the importance of fostering these international connections. “We absolutely could not have accomplished what we did in those five days over Zoom,” adds Wilken. “I have a perspective on our 国际学生s that I would not otherwise have had I not made this trip.”


Aside from experiencing Indian culture and meeting with university and government officials in the country, 卡希尔和威尔肯会见了已经订婚的学生, 好奇的, 想了解更多十大网赌平台UB的故事. 卡希尔说:“我们遇到的学生给我留下了特别深刻的印象. 威尔肯补充说:“他们对问题准备得非常充分. 他们想了解UB.”

近45% 2023-2024学年,布法罗大学新生中有一半是国际学生. Right now, a large percentage of those students come from India to study in Bridgeport. Another purpose for this trip abroad involved exploring creative partnerships with universities in India, including potential 教师 exchange or student exchange programs and joint academic ventures. 威尔肯总统签署谅解备忘录(mou), symbolizing how seriously her office takes the fostering of international and global experiences for all UB students. 在当今日益相互联系的世界, global citizenship is a competitive skill for all students to develop as they look toward careers in a global economy.

对于许多布法罗大学的国际学生来说, the dream of going to school in the United States and the hope of one day having a career in the U.S. 是变化的. By earning their degrees at UB, many of these students can change their families’ futures.


正规的网赌平台的国际学生人数, 他们来自全球超过31个国家, 为所有学生改变了UB的校园文化, 教师, 员工也一样. 以那种方式, 大学是一个缩影, 展示了不同文化间合作的重要性. 最终, the diversity of the campus population makes the UB experience extraordinary for anyone who experiences it firsthand. Those experiences are enriched by the synergy between UB and our international partners — and for Wilken, those partnerships are deeper and more meaningful because of these face-to-face connections.

对卡希尔, 与学生一起工作和支持学生的经验, 很像她自己, 最能引起她的共鸣. “International students are usually first-generation students as well,” said Cahill. “我认为这是共性. 无论你从哪里来,都可以驱车前往.”

Working with 国际学生s comes with unique requirements not only from the United States government but also from the students’ home countries. 了解超过31个国家的移民法对UB来说并不新鲜, 再过几年就将迎来百年纪念了.


“Leading this university with all these 国际学生s is such a gift,” said Wilken. “Whether you are a domestic or 国际学生, this is what our global economy looks like. You’re talking about people who can come together in the classroom and share ideas, 文化, 和概念. 这对大学里的每个人都有巨大的好处.”
卡希尔还领导着UB进步团队,并定期与UB校友互动. “很多人都从我们的国际动态中受益. 它是人们甚至在40年、50年或60年后都能记住并带在身边的东西.”

#UBelong是一个聪明的口号, 它也成为UB学生的一条主线, 甚至出现在今年的本科演讲者的毕业典礼演讲中. 仍然, 如果没有大学领导层的努力,它就不会真正引起共鸣, 教师, 工作人员, 和学生保持我们的包容性和文化多样性的社区, 让每个人都觉得自己属于UB. 这些努力从国内开始, 在UB校园, but extend across the world to face-to-face meetings with partners and students who also belong at UB.


想看十大网赌平台威尔肯和卡希尔印度之行的国际报道,请访问 布里奇波特.edu/admissions/international.